Candidate Statements: Hillary Clinton
Democratic candidate for President
Campaign website
Download this candidate’s official response to our letter
Hillary Clinton’s answers to our questions
As a Candidate for President, will you join in urging Congress to pass HR. 1786/ S928?
If you were elected President, would you sign HR 1786/ S 928 if it was passed by Congress?
What Hillary Clinton has said about supporting 9/11 responders and survivors
“There are thousands who still need help, and all this work is at risk unless Congress acts to extend the 9/11 Health and Compensation Act,” she wrote. “That is why it’s crucial that we muster the same passion and pressure to extend the law that helped pass it in the first place.”
“It was a scene out of Dante’s Inferno,” she said, recalling a visit to Ground Zero after the World Trade Center attacks. “It was as close to Hell as I can imagine any of us experiencing…. It was organized labor that came to the forefront and began working with me and others. Union pension funds became the only source of help for people in need.” “There are thousands who still need help,” she said. “All this work is at risk unless Congress acts…. The price of passage was a so-called sunset clause and it will come due.”
We knew then that there would be lasting health problems for first responders, volunteers, workers, and others who rushed to provide assistance following the attacks. Two days later, Senator Schumer and I went to the Oval Office and secured a commitment from President Bush for $20 billion in Federal aid for New York’s recovery. In the years that would follow, Senator Schumer and I would fight successfully to ensure that money was delivered as promised.
We will never forget the attacks of September 11, 2001. We will never forget the tragedy of nearly 3,000 lives lost and the realization that our nation had been forever changed. And we will never forget the heroism and compassion our firefighters, police officers, and first responders demonstrated in the face of the brutality and violence of terrorism.
And to all of those who are missing a loved one, there are no words any of us can express, except to tell you in the clearest possible terms we will — in a united American response — support you, offer assistance to you, stand with you.