Footnotes for Representative Records Page
(1) Footnote for Congressional Voting Record Table
In the House of Representatives there were three floor votes in 2010 taken by the full House. The Table above reflects the total of the three votes, if a member voted for the legislation either the second or the third time they are marked as voting “Yea”, if they voted no and opposed the legislation they are marked as “Nay”, if they were not in Congress that year they are marked as “Not in Congress”. There was one member who was not in Congress for the first two votes and was absent for the last and he is marked as “Absent”
The three votes are, The first attempt at House Passage (Roll #491) on July 29, 2010, was an attempt to achieve passage using an expedited procedure called “Suspension of the Rules” that requires an affirmative two-thirds vote for passage and is used by the House to bring up for a vote non-controversial legislation. While the vote was 255-159 in favor, the bill failed to get the required two-thirds affirmative vote of those present and was not passed.
The second attempt at House Passage was successful, using regular House procedures, on September 29, 2010 the legislation was brought to the full House, was passed and sent to the Senate with an overwhelming majority 268-160 (Roll #550).
The final vote in the House of Representatives was on December 22, 2010, and it was final passage of the legislation, agreeing to changes in the legislation by the U.S. Senate. It was in fact the last bill to pass the Congress that year, passing the House 206-60 (Roll #664), which sent it to President Barack Obama for his signature.
(2) Foot note for Congressional Voting Record Table for U.S. Senate
In the U.S. Senate there was only one vote on the legislation and that was on December 9, 2010. The vote was on procedural motion to break a filibuster against the bill and to invoke “cloture” to allow the bill to be brought up for debate. The vote was 57-42. (Roll #269) and it failed to obtain the required 60 votes to break the filibuster and allow the legislation to be brought up for debate on the Senate Floor. The record on the table for the
The Legislation was passed on December 22, 2010 by a procedure called “Unanimous Consent” where there is no vote but the legislation is passed when no Senator Objects. The legislation was sent back to the U.S. House of Representatives to be voted on again since it had been changed as part of the negotiations to get the bill approved by the Senate.
(3) Footnote for Congressional Voting Record Table for U.S. Senate
Initially voted no but then agreed to support the bill and vote yes. This support was key to getting the compromise bill approved by the senate on a voice vote.